Psalm 34:8

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. Psalm 34:8

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

What's New in Honduras?

What's new?
  1. My first week of classes went really well!  I learned a lot, and I am excited for the next 3 months. It is a complete privilege to teach some of my favorite kids in the world.
  2. The cafeteria is still working wonderfully. I often stop to thank the Lord for my 3 meals a day. There are so many in this country (and all over the world) who live on next to nothing.
  3. Saturday afternoon I was walking to the casitas when I passed Alexis helping Tom water some plant sprouts. I snapped a quick picture of him and planned to keep walking, but I decided to stop and visit for a while. Pretty soon, Alexis had put the watering can into my hand and I was helping too! I enjoyed that quality time with him.  More than anything, I loved seeing the smile that seemed stuck to his face. He loves to help, and Tom was full of praise for his work ethic.  Unfortunately, I ended up accidentally knocking over a cilantro plant -- Oops!  I apologized multiple times to Tom.  I felt so bad!  I hope that maybe I was able to model to Alexis how to respond when you make a mistake.  Later, Alexis and I helped Tom pick snap peas and green beans from the garden.  It was a lot of fun, and I even saw them in our lunch a couple of days later!
  4. Stewart (one of the teachers here) was sick on Monday, so I ended up teaching his class.  What a challenge!  Thankfully, God provided me with activities to do with the students that filled up the school day.  I was also happy to receive help from one of the school administrators, Elia.  I have a new-found respect for substitute teachers.  What a job!
  5. Prayer request time! There's some kind of virus going around.  Most of the North American teachers have been hit by the "worst" of it at some point, but we are all feeling the effects.  Prayers for health would be much appreciated!

Now for everyone's favorite part: Pictures!
I got to eat lunch with this cutie the other day.  Jimena always seems to have enough energy for everyone in the room!

I pass the baby cow pasture multiple times a day.  They are so pretty!

When you don't have constant internet access, you find yourself with time on your hands.  And you draw.

Alexis watering the plant sprouts -- cilantro, tomato, brocolli, etc.

Aaaand, here's the result of my clumsiness.  I'm sorry to all cilantro lovers (myself, included!)

Alexis with the snap peas and green beans we picked.

On Sundays, the teachers get to go one of the malls in Tegucigalpa.  We got to eat at a Johnny Rockets this week, and the vanilla milkshake I had was HEAVEN! 
Love ya'll!  Until next time!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Cafeteria Dedication

We had the Cafeteria dedication yesterday! I sat with Alexis and the Casita 8 boys for the dedication and for lunch, which was delicious. We had rice, chicken, salad, rolls, and, get this – tiramisu for dessert! Can you believe it? It was the most filling meal I've had since I've been here. The kids all licked their plates clean and stacked them up when they were finished. What a blessing to have a place where everyone can eat together!

Yesterday morning, I had a good meeting with Brooke Pizzati (head of the bilingual program) about the logistics of coming to teach full time next year. I am still praying about it, but I am feeling more and more confident about the possibility of being here. If so, I will only have a few months to raise the support that I need, but I have no doubt that the Lord will provide every penny. He always has!

I was able to start planning my lessons yesterday, as well. I met with Profe Olga (a school administrator) this morning to discuss my classes, units, grading, etc. I have the first day and a half planned, and I'll hopefully finish planning for the week this morning.  I have 6th grade on Wednesday morning at 9:10 am (10:10 Central time), and I have 8th grade at 1:00 (2:00 Central).  I can hardly wait!  Your prayers would be much appreciated.

Now for some pics:

I was able to Skype with Mom, Morgan, and Brittany on Sunday night. It was great to catch up – it is so crazy that none of us are in the same geographical location! This is a whole new phase of life, away from my closest family and friends.

I snapped this picture for Kate France! Jorge's birthday was Sunday. Pastor Abner called him up Sunday morning to wish him a happy birthday and to pray for him. Then he and little Mariela were recognized in the morning assembly at school for their birthdays. :)

Alexis wanted me to sit by him at the Cafeteria dedication, and I was happy to! He caught my heart during my first trip here in February 2012. I have been sponsoring him ever since, and I am proud to call him my Honduran little brother in Christ. When we prayed during the dedication, he reached over and grabbed my hand to hold during the prayer. Love him!

The tias who will be serving in the kitchen were recognized during the dedication. These are such wonderful women with such beautiful hearts.

I met Julio a few weeks ago, and I decided to try train him while I'm here (right now, we're working on “sit”). Unfortunately, he hurt his back, left paw and has been limping ever since I got here. I hope he heals soon! He limps around with me everywhere I go.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Estoy en Honduras!!

(Written Saturday, August 16)

Well, I made it.  I'm currently sitting outside in the beautiful country of Honduras -- wind blowing, rain misting, cows moo-ing ... oh, it's nice, people! (Aside from the bug bites I can already feel all over my feet).

Yesterday was a great (but LONG) first day back.  It’s so weird, because I was JUST here a little over 2 weeks ago.  I enjoyed greeting the kids and staff.  I can’t express in words how much it meant to me to have such a warm welcome from every person I came across!  The teachers, the missionaries, the staff of the home, everyone.  It means the world to me.  One of the teachers asked me last night, “So is it weird being back, or does it just feel like home?”  My answer: “Yep.  It feels like home.”  I’m so grateful.

I meet with Brooke on Monday morning to discuss my classes.  I cannot wait to start teaching English!  I don't have classes until Wednesday, so I'll have Monday and Tuesday to do lesson planning.

Thanks for your prayers, friends!  I'll leave you with some pictures ...

 My view from the plane — “With all creation I sing, ‘Praise to the King of kings’”
Jimena was being a “chef” yesterday.  She was cutting the flowers with her “knife” (a stick), and putting them all on a little wooden board.  Oh, it was adorable!

Stephany and I just sat and watched Jimena work.  I enjoyed spending some quality time with Stephany and Helen.  They wanted me to help them with English, so I just asked them questions.  It made my heart smile to hear them respond in English!

Where I’m staying — one of the teachers is kind enough to let me share a room with her.  I unpacked this morning.  It feels nice.

A team was at the home Friday night, and we had a nice little "Worship Sesh" with them at the Casona — songs included How He Loves, Forever Reign, Oceans, Revelation Song, Before the Throne, and my personal favorite, In Christ Alone — with the added chorus!  Oh, that song just has my heart.
While I was on my computer, I heard a guy’s voice in the distance.  I looked up to see him herding cows down the road.  Not thinking anything of it, I turned away.  When I looked back up, I realized he was herding the cows right past me! They split into two groups to go around where I was sitting!  That’s one reason I love it here.  There’s always something to make you chuckle.

Just so everyone knows I'm good.  Here's a picture of me. :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Another Hondy Adventure!

Well, folks.  It's happening again.  I'm leaving the country.



Me.  Bailey Anne Wenger.  That's W-E-N-G-E-R. 



You heard me.  I'm gonna be teachin' English!



I leave Friday, August 15, and I return on Tuesday, November 11.  I'm flying Delta, and I can already taste those delicious Biscoff cookies ... Get me on that plane!



Honduras.  More specifically, the Good Shepherd Children's Academy.  This is the school on the campus of the children's home that I have visited so many times.
It also happens to be the home of the beautiful Honduran children that I adore ... so ... they've got that going for them.



God said "Go." 

So ... I'm going.  

If you need a better reason than that, maybe this will work:
The GSCA was in need of an English teacher to finish out the school year (which ends in November), and I was happy to fill that need!  I graduated in May with a TESOL Certificate (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), so it's perfect!

Anything Else?

Well, yes, actually.  Thank you for asking.  I would love for you to partner with me.  Although I have a job as a teacher, it is a missionary position (I am raising my own support to go).  If you are interested in supporting me financially during the fall or next year, please let me know.

More importantly, I would love for you to partner with me in prayer.  I anticipate 3 months of service and challenges.  I am a first-time teacher with students who have seen me as a friend for over two years.  Please pray for wisdom to know how to handle my classroom and any problems that I'm sure will arise with my students.  Also please pray for good relationships built with my fellow teachers and with the staff of the home.  I know that fostering those relationships will be beneficial to me.  Above all, pray that the Lord will be glorified in and through my classroom.


What's the hardest part about leaving?

No question.  I have had the most amazing summer!  I got to serve as an intern for my favorite girls in my favorite youth ministry in my favorite church -- and I got to do so with my best friends as my coworkers!  It was such a blessing. 

I'm having to accept the fact that I won't see all my wonderful peeps until I come back in November.  I am also processing the strong possibility that I will teach all year next year -- that's the better part of a year and a half that I will be away from the town and people I love so much! I have been a roller coaster of emotions over the past few weeks, but I am so ready to see what the Lord has for me in the months ahead. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.

Thank you, friends, for your prayers!  Stay tuned for updates.

I love you all!